
I'm Ahmed Barrani

Communications Engineer

  • Date of Birth: Sep, 26. 1986.
  • Home City: Alexandria, Egypt.
  • Current City: Cairo, Egypt.
  • Email: [email protected]
  • International: (+1) 917 789-5754
  • Public Work since Nov 21, 2011

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Hello! I’m Ahmed Barrani, Love Allah, Islamic Religion and My Country Egypt, trying to share in the building progress of the Nation Nowtime, and believe that, Am Treating With Allah In All What I do and trying to do.

Professional Skills

Public Work 80%
Communications 90%
Leadership 93%
Social Work 83%
Team Working 86%
Meeting Management 95%
Time Management 75%
Managing Crises 85%
Problem Solving 80%
Formulating Solutions 90%


المهندس احمد براني مع الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي في موسم حصاد المليون ونص فدان بالفرافرة


المهندس احمد براني مع الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي في افتتاح نموذج محاكاة الدولة المصرية


المهندس احمد براني مع اللواء كامل الوزير رئيس الهيئة الهندسية للقوات المسلح


المهندس احمد براني في حفل التخرج من الكلية العسكرية للعلوم والادارة


المهندس احمد براني اثناء كلمتة في المؤتمر الوطني الاول للشباب بشرم الشيخ


المهندس احمد براني في حفل التخرج من اكادمية ناصر العسكرية كلية الدفاع الوطني




Presidential Leadership Program (PLP)

Egyptian Presidency


International Negotiations Diploma

Faculty of Political Science, Cairo University


Fundamental of Engineering

American University in Cairo (AUC)


Bachelor of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Modern Academy for Engineering & Technology

My Interests

  • Generating Business

Work Experience


Vice Minister of Housing Office for Urban Renewal and Informal Settlements (VMURIS)

Intergovernmental Communications

Assisting the Vice Minister in the daily tasks and duties, formulating solutions, Coordinating meetings, organizing field visits, Managing media coverage, social media, official website and press realises, supervising projects implementations, and the focal point with several ministers and international organizations.

• Communicating with partners and organizing field activities for them.
• Supports in drawing plans, strategies and field implementation plans.
• Prepare the budgets for key events and related financial documents.
• Implements workshops, seminars, and organize events.
• Monitors project progress and compiles reports.
• Conduct Field Visits to ensure projects and initiatives implementation process and ensure sustainability


Ministry of State of Urban Renewal and Informal Settlements (MURIS)

Minister Consultant

Assisting the Minister in the assigned tasks and follow up with her on a daily basis, in addition, Helping Ministry Departments to reach their target by dividing my free time between them, for supporting and assisting the Department Managers in some of their tasks and responsibilities.

• Youth Projects Coordinator, Helping Youth in creating their Own Business, or even overcome any problems facing their running business's which are compatible with Ministry strategic plan and directions.
• Coordinating with the Ministries and Authorities regarding Waste Management and Recycling strategy, as well as communicating with Governors, Heads of Cities, and Districts to promote the national waste management strategy and supporting young people in establishing their own companies.
• Organizing Conferences, Seminars and Panel Discussions, to introduce the Ministry's programs and activities, and inviting youth to volunteer with the Ministry's activities in their areas and districts.
• Social Communications Manager, and Participate in creation of the Ministry Media strategy and the Media Action Plan, as well as Creating and launching the Ministry official website, news portal website, fan pages and YouTube channel. In addition to developing the Social Media Strategy.
• Following up with International organizations Projects Implementation.
• Responsible for formulating Youth Volunteers Hub in the Ministry, working on the Ministry Socio-economic Programs, Targeting People living in Slums and Informal Areas, discussing Problems facing them in their life's and Involving them with scientific ways and training on how to find solutions for these Problems and challenges.
• Engaged with Negotiations with the People of the Slums and Informal Settlements, working on finding innovative ideas and solutions.


Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT)

Youth Representative

Working and reporting to the minister about the files and projects assigned by him to me, and communicating with the entities and organizations inside or outside the ministry regarding the assigned tasks from the minister.
• Co-operating with "NTRA" in Discussing the ways of legalizing the situation of the VOIP services in Egypt, with the respect to the National Security Policies.
• Negotiating with the Discussion Makers about the Internet Problems in Egypt and the Youth challenges, and Presented an Action Plan which met the user needs and fit with the government polices (Mega Plus) in Cooperation with NTRA and the Telecommunications Companies.
• Working with the Training Sector in the Ministry, Discussing the content of the courses and mentor the training programs offered for the Egyptian youth, and attending the negotiations meetings and sessions with the Training companies.
• Engage with the committee responsible for creating the Imagination of the Full Governmental Resources Planning “GRP” system and its applications

Contact me for more info.

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Volunteer Hub

Enroll Youth and Students in offering real Help for the Most Needy People, and Supporting them in developing their areas and cities by participating in different social activities.


Mother Company

Supporting you to start your Own Business, by Offering you all  options for getting your business online and-then, you decide what works best for you.

Public Work

Social Development

Strengthen communities by creating linkages between public and private organizations, and helping communities on their strengths and facilitate their integration into the formal economy.

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